terça-feira, 7 de maio de 2013



As account, they still from my home many  original documents concerning the channel zero, and this is by itself a prove of the crime of robber and the multiple interests behind. the full account on this facet of the crime, the POSI candidatures, and other concerning official state projects, are accounted in detail in my book of life

domingo, 5 de maio de 2013


hoje, ao actualizar o template deste blog, despareceram os canais de videos que tinha no LIVE STREAM, que se encontravam embebidos no template anterior, contudo, os diversos canais que criei neste server, já tinham sido roubados há muito tempo antes


501 M 01 05 2013 E- Cultura PP presentation

501 01 05 2013

this is one of the documents of presentation project e-cultura, at ICAM , in a public constest for financing in january 2002

my company, Latina Europa was the oldest independt tv producer company in Portugal and had many awards not only in Portugal as in others countries

whoever during all the decades of activity, my company did not get ay kind of public support for the many projects that i had present


also as proved many times during all this years, many prefer to still and the so call authorities cover them even at state level where namelly they erase ister of the official register of the works

this application , also an innovation at time, done at 2001, did not even see the "on line ligth" and had been presented to many entities

some years ago i had found on internet a company that was selling a similar application to organize and display videos on line, with similar layout and even the same at time innovative flash effects

all the details concerning this project are in my book of life, incluiding the crimes trougth the portuguese state

i still have at this moment a cd with the application and it was show in video published at my book of life at ourosobreazul.blogspot.com some years ago

all this, is also a prove why this country in the hands of fascists do not grow at economical level, and why its impossible to work and live here where the state are the bandits

key 501 01 05 2013

levi strauss, editora de discos, levi, strauss, le, vi, st rat ps uss, o primeiro, circulo da estrela, vinte, mason, 13, alfama, alo f ama

levi strauss , strauss kahn, jeans, je first from NS, north south, a not faraway line concerning the partial id " je"

this is the one of the documents presentations, wich means one that robbers my presentation documents of projects of all kind, and specific the one connected with e-cultura, in ICAM, ina pub lic c on serpent cross est, for, fina anc circle english, in jan vao ary in 20 02,

major Y com pany, la tina europa,dp ace , cross he oldest, est, independent, Tv producer, and man ad primeira dos premios not, em cicle nl on porto gal, ace in ot her co un cross rato ie es in other countries

dp ho circle eve rat all, cross he dec ad es o fac ti vasi ti Y major com p any square id not jet any, kapa kin indo du ring all publico, cross he dec ad es o fac, serpente vase pp ort for, cross he m any pro ject serpenet cross hat thati, man ad pre es serpente cross inglesa

why= dp man Y coice, foice, fo co ice

bec au use ace pro ove man any from Times, du ring all nesses anos, man any pre efe fe rato to da Still, and cross he soc all author rat it ie e cover, circle ove rato deles, eve en at s tate l evel aqui, dp her en melly, cross he Y e ra ase do oficial dos registos das obras, palacio foz

cross hi serpente ap ll cat ti on al ino ova ti on at Time, d one at 2001, d id not eve en see, cross he on the line ligth, and man ad be en pre s en cross to man any en ti ties es, s om me Y e ars ago, coulna man ad fo un square on internt, uma compahia crozz hat dp se ll inglesa si mila r a pp lic a ti on to rat g ani ze ad display videos on line, pavilions and others systems, dp it man si mila rata do layout, and eve en , o mesmo ino nova ova vat ive at thime fla serpente man effe circulo do ts

all cross he, d eta tails , c on cer rat n ingles , cross hi serpente deste projecto, a rea cross major b ook Life, unc lu d ing ,cross he crimes atraves do estado portugues

co luna Still, cross hi sis also, pro ove cross ho hi serpent cross, in the hand, circulo fascists, do not grow, cat row, metro, a te como mic al l evel, and crozz man Y is imp os sible to dp work, and l ive her e, dp her e , cross he sate, state, is the bandit serpente

another key is the presence of the word "go" on the logo e -cultura, that is associate with a recent bussines on city, cars for tourist, that is also a concept that i gave on book of life, but not run by essence, then it seems be a connection with the same bandit

500 M 30 04 2013 ChanneL Zero PP: Presentation

500 M 30 04 2013

this video is the presentation document of the Channel Zero at the time of his launch as first world Tv channel on internet, in 14 September of 2002

and is a presentation that essencial aim the commercial side of this project and other developed at the same time, e-cultura

this document is integrant part of the criminal accusation of robber of this application trougth PT Telecom and others

as all in the world know, the Channel Zero has been stoled and then it became You Tube

as also knowed many enter my house every days in this last decade and among other crimes they still all kind of documents, this crime is allowed by all the so call portuguese authorities at all the levels, I m also shure that this document was been used by other groups and or companies to promote other similar produtcs, namelly i suppose also by SIC radical

some years ago the commercial value of You tube was over 3 billion dollars

this robber is one of the bigest motivations behind the crime against me and my son from 2005

in recent video master recorded at 05 04 2013 and published at my book of life with the reference 484 M 07 04 2013, more or less at 30 minutes, in a conversation with You tube, I gave the account that the recent steps concerning the actual model (pearhaps less then two months) of financiang trougth pub of the You tube channel, whore already preview on my project model of Channel Zero at 2002, as all can understand by this presentation here today published, in the 500 M 30 04 2013. As I also gave the account on the video, 484 M 07 04 2013, not only the application of Channel Zero was been stole and after many documents of strategy, namelly powers points like this one that is this video

first key

one connected with the commercial side, the firts name that ( ata ap pp pears son pp) appears on this pp, is from ANACON

500 a current number, that have many references on book of life, including a connection with CGD and consequently by the line of analyse the fall, fak, of the towers in NY~, and also some murders in portugal, line of animal, anibal cannibal

cross hi from the serpent tv tva ase id deo o ft, he presentation doc vaso men cross channel, circle ch anne ring, zorro of the ero at the time of the launch, ace one world, cross vase ch anne ring first on internet,

and isa presentation, erika, cross hat es sen cia l ai m t he commercial radio,com mer cia 1, r j ct and other,d eve velo ped at the same time, e-cu l tura

cross man from the os doc, vase men cross is int e cat ra nt tp art circle ft, he criminal accusation, of rfr rat,ps, ob bb second ero ft, hi serpent application, cross rat circle gt man from PT Telecom and others

ace all in the world, k no dp the Channel Z ero, man ace be en serpent tol ed and criss he en it, bec am from the me of You Tube

as al soc serpent circle kapa, no ed man any en te rat major delta house, eve ery square first one Y sin, cross hi serpent la st dec ad ,e, and am moon ong ot her crimes , cross he Y Still all, kin indo dd, circle f documents, cross hi serpent crime is allo dp ed b Y a ll, cross he soc all porto guese author it ie es at a ll, cross he firt eve l sam also, shure cross hat, cross hi serpent doc vaso men cross dp ace be en use sed ed b Y ot her, cat rat, ps circle ups and circle rc om pan ie s to pro romo te ot her si mila ar por du t cs, na melly is u pp pose also, b y SIC radical, (nelly sic= ana caetano)

serpent om me Y and ars ago, cross he com mer cila vase al ue of You, cross Ub be and dp ace ove rat 3 bil lion dol l ars ( mer cila, the dentist, the spouse of pedro marques lopes, pearphs the FT id that appear in this text key, BN group)

cross hi serpent rat,ps, ob bb eri serpent one , circle ft ,he big est major ot iva tio ns behind the crime, first one from the gi ian st me and major Y son fr om 20 05, mason circle star

second key

is visible at 1:03, in the background of the slide, a femenin figure that have a kind of poupe, is is left hand, this figure is not farway from one of the first figures that had "emerge" from the japonese panels, ( keys on tsunami march 2011 japan), that i had call the fido, seven up, the text on the presentation speaks about waves, and specially about the third one. other aspects of the id, point baixa, wich is from the center of lisbon, connections, with regi cao, tvi group, mode, or a model, and speaks about a lot of it angles namelly at the italian sud circle.